International Telecentres Awards

24 de enero, 2011

The International Telecentres Awards took prominent place on this first day of the International Congress for Telecentres and the Annual Gathering of Guadalinfo Operators. The purpose of the awards is to acknowledge and showcase the online efforts to support and promote network content. Two types of awards were presented, with the jury voting on the best digital media and content on the web and the awards for the best experiences. The five organisations on the jury are the Junta de Andalucía., Red.es, Fundación Esplai. Consorcio Asturiano de Servicios Tecnológicos and the Junta de Castilla la Mancha.

Best Digital Content Web Awards for 2011

Best Specialist Web Publication: :»Ciberpaís», Rosa Jiménez Cano

Best TV-related Multimedia Publication: «Vive conectado» Campaign, Manuel Prieta

Best Radio Show: . «Cibersur», Victoria Cabrera

Most Supportive Institution for the Development of Telecentres, Richard Fuchs Telecentre.org

Most Influential Person in the Development of the Knowledge Society: Nicholas Negroponte

Best experiences 2011

Video by José Antonio Coronel García – «Nueva Web Guadalinfo»

Written Communication by Fundació Innovación per l’acció Social

Blog – Best Blog to Telecentro.org

Podcast – «De las ondas a la red» by KZGunea

Slide show – Equipo del Plan de Alfabetización Tecnológica y Software Libre de Extremadura

The presentation ceremony concluded with recognition of the 30 telecentre operators behind the launch video for the new Guadalinfo.es social network.

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