Guadalinfo, the largest virtual city in Andalusia

25 de enero, 2011

The second day of CIT11 and ED11 started with a review of the current situation of the largest virtual city in Andalusia, the Guadalinfo Network and its immediate future. The first presentation by. Juan María González, General Secretary of Telecommunications and Information Society from the Junta de Andalucía,  Eva Piñar Martínez, Director General of Technological Services and the Information Society, Juan Francisco Delgado, Director General of the Fernando de los Ríos Consortium, Antonio Expósito, Jaen Representative of Modernisation and e-government, Antonio David García Pérez; Local Operator at Lora del Río. The presentation was moderated by the journalist Paco Lobatón.

The meeting became a place to understand the daily reality of how Guadilinfo operates  through its main agents and architects. In a relaxed and comfortable tone, they conveyed the proximity of the project.

Here are three concepts that summarise their contributions:

Juan María González: «If you want to go in a fast lane, go alone. If you want to go far, go with someone.»

Juan Francisco Delgado: ‎»The future of the Guadalinfo Network depends on empowering its users. «

Antonio David García Pérez: ‎»What matters at the Guadalinfo social network are the people.»

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